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Cause-Oriented Hypnosis

‘Hypnosis can facilitate the utilisation of abilities and potentials that already exist in a person but remain unused or underdeveloped due to a lack of training or understanding.’ Milton H. Erickson

Possible Fields of Application

Efficient & Lasting Changes


Fears & Phobias

Many fears stem from past events. They haunt us in the present to protect us from a past experience. They mean well but restrict our freedom and enjoyment of life. As they originate in the head, hypnosis is particularly suitable for dealing with them. In hypnosis, the subconscious learns to detach itself from the past triggers of the fears.


Weight Reduction, Addictions & Smoker Stopp

Addictions control our lives like a ruler. Life is repeatedly orientated towards satisfying our addictions. However, the need is never truly satisfied. In hypnosis, we are able to recognise who or what we have handed over the control of our lives to. We remember that we have free will and can thus break through the chains of unwanted behaviour patterns. Our freedom is back in our hands.


Insomnia &

Stress Management

Little sleep often drags along other problems. Health and well-being begin to falter.
Anger, despair or frustration spread, but do not help. The problem gets worse and worse without ever being able to identify a cause. In hypnosis, we uncover the source of the insomnia and solve it from the root.


Relationship Issues, Emotive Blockages and Pain of Loss

In every relationship, two people with two worlds meet. Relationship challenges arise from past experiences, learned beliefs and unmet needs. With hypnosis you can free yourself from old burdens, generational traumas and beliefs that stand in the way of your relationship. Moreover, your needs and boundaries are more clearly defined.


Chronic Problems & Allergies

Hypnosis often starts where other healing modalities no longer show results. It focusses on the root of the complaint instead of its symptoms. In the deeply relaxed state of hypnosis, self-healing powers are activated and a better quality of life can be restored.

Are you longing for lasting and efficient changes?

Do you need uncomplicated and effective support with your individual challenges?

Anxiety, sleep disorders, stress, addictions, lack of self-confidence, relationship problems and chronic physical complaints are the main problems for many of us. Sometimes it is also an undigested event from the past or an unresolved loss that haunts us in the present and prevents us from confidently shaping our future. Cause-orientated hypnosis tackles problems from the root, enabling effective and lasting change.


Cause-orientated hypnosis offers a quick solution to your problems for many issues.

Hypnosis is a fascinating method that has been used for centuries. It can have therapeutic benefits and can also be used to stop smoking, treat pain, as an alternative to conventional anaesthesia, during childbirth and to improve sports performance.


In many difficult situations or phases of life, hypnosis can be a great helper. 

As a hypnosis coach, I will help you to find your own solutions to your individual challenges quickly and efficiently with the help of cause-orientated hypnosis. 

Rundes Podium

You are beautiful!

What can you achieve with hypnosis coaching?

Hypnosis is a highly effective, natural approach to overcoming personal challenges. Through the amazing power of hypnosis, we can tackle mental and physical obstacles and achieve lasting change that allows us to bring our lives back into balance. With a deep understanding of the human mind and the ability to recognise how our emotions create realities, we can influence and change physical and emotional states in a deeply relaxed state of hypnosis.



  1. Book a free Pre-Call

  2. Book a First Session

The Procedure


  • A detailed preliminary discussion about your current situation, your expectations and wishes, as well as a detailed explanation of hypnosis

  • A relaxation hypnosis so that you can get to know this natural state and recharge your batteries from everyday life


  • A short preliminary discussion to clarify your topic

  • The goal-orientated hypnosis coaching with focus on your issue

The sessions usually last between 1 to 3 hours.

A single session is sufficient for many issues. As we are all very individual, a further session may be required in some cases. In this session, the results of the first session are consolidated to ensure lasting success.

In the case of smoking cessation, one session is usually sufficient. In rare cases, a further session is required to anchor the desired change in the subconscious.


Initial Meeting: 1,5 - 2 h

Actual Session: 1 - 3 h


Initial Meeting: 120 €

Actual Sessions: 80 € per h,

the time is charged per quarter of an hour

Application Fields

Sleep disorders, fears, phobias, stress, chronic problems, allergies, lack of self-confidence, smoking cessation, addictions, cravings, etc.


I am a Hypnocoach, certified by OMNI International.

  • 1 hr

    80 euros

Karlheinz Schwer

I have become more relaxed overall. I am also no longer so reactive to things on the outside that the mind declares as negative. I have used parts of the session and put together a hypnosis session using an app for affirmations, which I use 2-3 times a day. Sometimes only for 5 minutes. This always brings me back to a relaxed state very well.

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